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党史百年天天读 · 4月1日

文:   时间:2021-04-01 00:00:00

Important argument

April 1, 1940

Mao Zedong proposed the current policy of the Eighth Route Army in North and Central China in the telegram that he drafted. He pointed out: In North China’s military provocation against the Kuomintang diehards, our army should guard the line of defense, endure it with all its strength, deep ditch and high base, and not return a shot. The central government agreed that no military conflicts should occur, so as to ease their emotions, stabilize our defense lines, and bring Shanxi and Hebei to a peaceful situation. In the areas of central Hubei, eastern Anhui, and Huaibei, the New Fourth Army should resolutely and systematically carry out a self-defense war. The two places in Eastern Anhui and Huaibei must persist, and wait for reinforcements to counterattack aggressively. The North China Eighth Route Army should mobilize enough force to go south to Central China to reinforce the New Fourth Army, repel the reactionary offensive, eliminate the surrendering anti-communist forces, and build new anti-Japanese base areas north of the Huaihe River, east of the Huainan Railway, north of the Yangtze River, and west of the sea. The Lunan and Jiaodong troops must take active actions to eliminate all the most reactionary surrendering anti-communist forces and expand the anti-Japanese base areas. However, we must try our best to win over the middle forces, and we must try our best to contact all the troops that can still cooperate with us to resist the Japanese and the troops that have not attacked us although they are not good. We must not attack each one with one shot. Regardless of North China and Central China, they will all follow the instructions of the central government and take a political offensive, calling on all friendly forces to oppose the civil war, support Jiang and Wang, and unite in the war. The overall purpose is to repel the reactionary offensive, expand the anti-Japanese forces, overcome the danger of surrender, and strive for a better situation.

April 1, 1945

Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and Dong Biwu talked with Xie Weiss. Mao Zedong explained the policies and stance of the Chinese Communist Party and its expectations of the United States. He pointed out: The Chinese Communist Party's policy towards the United States is to seek friendly American support to realize democracy in China and cooperate in the war against Japan. The Kuomintang’s policy remains: on the one hand, it criticizes and tries to motivate its progress; on the other hand, it proposes a compromise that can be used as the basis for real unity, democracy and all forces in the country to strive to win the war. This compromise must mean the end of the dictatorship of the Kuomintang and Chiang Kai-shek. This compromise must include the recognition that the communist army is part of the national army and that the regime of the liberated area is a legitimate local government. For the Kuomintang, we do not hit the first punch, nor shoot the first shot. But the National Assembly that Chiang Kai-shek now plans to convene will surely bring about civil war. Once attacked, we will fight back. Once a civil war breaks out in China, it is hoped that the United States will adopt a non-intervention policy towards the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

April 1, 1948

Mao Zedong made a speech at the meeting of cadres from Jinsui and Sui in Caijiaya, Xing County, Shanxi. The speech emphasized that the whole party must firmly grasp the general line of the party: the revolution led by the proletariat, the masses of the people, against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism. This is China’s new democratic revolution. This is China. The general line and general policy of the Communist Party in the current historical stage. Pointed out: If we truly forget our party’s general line and general policy, we will be blind, incomplete, and unconscious revolutionaries. When we implement specific work lines and specific policies, we will lose our way and control Sway, it will delay our work. The speech summarized the general line of land reform more completely, pointing out: relying on the poor peasants, uniting the middle peasants, eliminating the feudal exploitation system step by step and separately, and developing agricultural production. This is what the Communist Party of China is in the period of the new democratic revolution and the land reform The general line and general policy at work. The speech once again emphasized: Deciding the work policy in accordance with the actual situation is the most basic work method that all party members must keep in mind. The speech addressed the issue of establishing district and village (township) levels of people’s congresses: Once established, the people’s congress should become the local people’s organ of power, and all due power must be vested in the congress and its elected government committees.

April 1, 2002

Jiang Zemin hosted a symposium on the development of the western region of the northwest region and six provinces of Inner Mongolia in Xi'an. It is pointed out that the implementation of the large-scale development of the western region is a major strategic decision made by the central government to further promote my country's modernization based on the analysis of the development and changes of the domestic and foreign situation. Over the past two years, the central government has determined the guiding ideology, goals, principles, policies, and key tasks for the development of the western region. All relevant departments have formulated plans and strengthened guidance. The broad cadres and masses of the western region have united and forge ahead. A good start. First, the rapid growth of investment and economy in the western region has played an important role in expanding domestic demand and maintaining the steady growth of the national economy. Second, the expansion of the western region's opening up to the outside world has developed a comprehensive, multi-level, and wide-ranging pattern of opening up in my country, which has attracted widespread attention and strong response from the international community. Third, the whole party and the whole country have raised their awareness of the great significance of the western development project of the century, and strengthened their confidence in accelerating the development of the western region. Fourth, initiative and creativity. In short, in the process of implementing the western development strategy, we adhere to the idea that development is the last word, implement the policy of expanding domestic demand, open up new economic growth space, promote the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the national economy, and consolidate our country’s social stability and stability. The good situation of national unity has strengthened our ability to deal with the ever-changing international political and economic situation. He emphasized: The implementation of the large-scale development of the western region is an important measure to ensure the successful realization of the third-step strategic goal of modernization. Implementing the western development strategy and accelerating the development of the central and western regions will help foster a unified national market and improve the socialist market economy system; it will facilitate the strategic adjustment of the economic structure, improve the distribution of productive forces, and promote the coordinated development of the regional economy; it will help further Exploit the domestic market, expand domestic demand, and provide a broad development space and lasting driving force for national economic growth; help improve the country's ecological conditions and create a better environment for the survival and development of the Chinese nation; help further expand opening up , Make good use of the two markets and resources at home and abroad. The western region is one of the birthplaces of the five thousand years of civilization of the Chinese nation. It is also a place where the old revolutionary base is relatively concentrated. It is also a minority area and a border area. Speeding up the reform and development of this vast area will contribute to the realization of the goal of China’s modernization and the realization of my country’s modernization. The great rejuvenation of the nation is of great and far-reaching significance. The adjustment of industrial structure in the western region should be market-oriented, enterprise-oriented, supported by technology, and supported by superior resources, strengthen planning guidance and policy guidance, accelerate the transformation of resource advantages into economic advantages, and strive to develop the characteristics of the western region And in the country Competitive and profitable products and industries in foreign markets, cultivate brand-name products and famous-brand enterprises, and gradually improve the self-development capacity of the western region. Part of this speech was included in Jiang Zemin's "On the Socialist Market Economy," entitled "Achievements and Experiences in the Development of the Western Region."

2016 Nian 4 Yue 1 Ri

Xi Jinping attended the 4th Nuclear Security Summit and delivered a speech entitled "Strengthening the International Nuclear Security System and Promoting Global Nuclear Security Governance", focusing on building a fair, cooperative, and win-win international nuclear security system, comprehensively expounding China’s policies and propositions, and introducing China The new progress made in the field of nuclear safety announced China’s measures to strengthen its nuclear safety and actively promote international cooperation.

He pointed out that since the Hague Summit, China has made new progress in the field of nuclear safety. China pursues the concept of excellence and strives to explore effective ways to strengthen nuclear security. It has incorporated nuclear security into the overall national security system and written it into the national security law, clarifying its strategic positioning on nuclear security. China adheres to the principle of doing what it says, and faithfully fulfilling its international obligations and political commitments. With the vision of win-win cooperation in mind, China actively promotes international exchanges and cooperation.

He emphasized that China will continue to strengthen its nuclear safety, actively promote international cooperation, share technology and experience, and contribute resources and platforms. China will build a nuclear safety capacity-building network, promote a cooperation model for the reduction of highly enriched uranium, implement an action plan to strengthen the safety of radioactive sources, initiate technical support initiatives for responding to nuclear terrorism crises, and promote a national nuclear power safety regulatory system. As long as we sincerely cooperate and continue to strengthen nuclear safety, the prospects for nuclear energy to benefit mankind will be brighter.

Party History Looking Back

1948 Nian

On April 1st, Mao Zedong delivered a speech at the Jinsui Cadre Meeting in Caijiaya Village, Xing County, Shanxi. He summed up the experience of land reform and party reorganization, and expounded that the general line and general policy of the Communist Party of China in the current historical stage is "led by the proletariat, the people The masses, against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalist revolution", the party’s general line and general policy in land reform work is to "rely on the poor peasants, unite the middle peasants, eliminate the feudal exploitation system step by step and separately, and develop agriculture. produce".

1985 Nian

On April 1, China began to implement an export tax rebate system.

2010 Nian

On April 1, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council formulated the "Outline of the National Medium and Long-term Talent Development Plan (2010-2020)".

2014 year

On April 1, Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the European Academy, emphasizing the unique cultural tradition, unique historical destiny, and unique national conditions. China is destined to take a development path that suits its own characteristics. He pointed out that in order to advance China-EU relations, both China and Europe need Deepen mutual understanding and work together to build the four bridges of peace, growth, reform and civilization.

Historical moment


Ninggang Longjiang Academy. Zhu De and Mao Zedong met in April 1928 and had a long talk here.



On April 1, 1948 , Mao Zedong delivered a speech at the Shanxi and Sui cadres meeting, expounding the general line and general policy of the new democratic revolution. This is Mao Zedong's inscription on the general line.



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